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Nursing Transcript

Nursing Transcript



Nursing transcripts £25


Detailed Description

The Nursing transcript is an official document, which comprises of your module results, end of stage results and your training record. This is separate to the University Transcript. If  required we can also provide supporting letters to relevant authorities to confirm your studies and outline the syllabus you undertook. If you have particular requirements please email [email protected]

Copies can be sent to you or directly to the authority. Please state the address of the recipient when ordering. The price includes postage by 1st class UK mail or International Standard.

Please note that information on courses studied some time ago, and particularly those awarded before 2000 may not be fully available due to the many changes in record systems over time.  We will always attempt to provide you with as much information as possible, but in some cases where you request a transcript we may only be able to provide a Proof of Study letter or verify basic information, such as dates of study and final award.

Processing times: 

Your document will be despatched within 6 weeks from receipt of order.

Orders placed by third parties will not be processed


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